الأربعون النووية

by Yahia Zakaria

Books & Reference


The book (Forty Nuclear) is unique in its characteristics and features, and is one of the most prominent books, where he collected forty prophetic hadiths include the mosques of the word peace be upon him, a treasury of the provisions of Islam, and a treasure of the rules of Islam, and a biblical of Islamic jurisprudence.Al-Nawawi has already mentioned a number of scholars in the composition of forty hadeeth. Some of them have focused on the hadiths of the origins of religion, some of them in asceticism. Al-Nawawi referred to this; he said: "Of the scholars who collected forty in the origins of religion, some in branches, some in Jihad, and some of them in asceticism, and some of them in literature, and some in speeches, all purposes valid, may Allah be pleased with those who intended, and I have seen the gathering of forty most important of all, which is forty hadiths all included, and each of them a great rule of religion, has described Scientists that the orbit of Islam is half of Islam, or a third or soIt should be noted that the majority of the hadiths of the forty nuclear correct, and this does not negate the existence of a small percentage of good conversations, and others, and some of them agreed, number of twelve hadeeth; , Ibn Majah and Dar Qutni and Bayhaqi.We know that every behavior is motivated, and every rain cloud, and each production emitting, Valaf motivated the nuclear imam to this authorization is apparent in saying: "We have narrated from Ali bin Abi Talib, and Abdullah bin Masood, and Muath bin Jabal, and Ibn Omar, and Ibn Abbas, Anas bin Malik, Abu Huraira, and Abu Saeed al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with them from many ways, a variety of narratives - that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: ((who kept my nation forty talk of religion, sent by God on the Day of Resurrection in the clique of scholars and scholars ))He pointed out that he did not rely on this hadeeth in his creativity, he said: "However, I do not rely on this hadeeth, but on saying:" Let the witness of you absent, "and said:" Ndr God someone heard my article Voaha, and performed as he heard itAl-Nawawi pointed out the importance of this book; he said: "Anyone wishing to be in the Hereafter should know these ahaadeeth, because of the tasks involved, and contained him to alert all obedience and that is apparent to those who managed it, and to Gods dependence, and to my mandate and authority, and praise be to him And grace, and its success and infallibility